Saturday, 18 July 2009


I guess it's been very quiet on my blog, as officially it was the end of the term a month ago ... but I'm actually still on Svalbard right now so I feel I must live up to the title of this website!

Flying back to Svalbard ... slushy snow storm soon afterwards

So many things have happened lately, that I don't feel I have time to talk about them right now. Briefly, I went back home on the 14th June for a few days. It was really hard saying goodbye to everybody, but I'm pretty sure many of us will keep in touch :). A few days later I went trekking in the Jotunheimen region in Norway, all fun: we went up the two highest peaks, had amazing weather (so warm!) and got eaten by mosquitoes at one point.

On top of Norway - Galdhpiggen, Jotunheimen

I had managed to get myself a small job at the Norwegian Polar Institute, helping with a reindeer survey of Adventdalen. I must say, it was the most fun fieldwork I've ever done. We were so lucky with the weather, and the team was just great.

Trekking through Helvetiadalen

Counting reindeer. Cute yearling

Arriving at the Passhyta hut

After a long day crossing marshlands and streams

Here are a few pics from a BBQ I went to a few days after coming back. Everything was so perfect, and we had brilliant views.

