Wednesday, 18 August 2010

back on svalbard :)

I arrived safely back on Svalbard last Friday (13th), but really haven't had much free time (hence my neglected blog!). That said, I'm so happy to be back!

Where to start then ... ? Well, I somehow managed to get all my bags and clothing stuffed with overweight items onto the plane. At Oslo aiport, I spotted a few people with fancy outdoor equipment (who would become my new class mates). Flying over Svalbard wasn't very spectacular though as it was completely covered with mist and clouds.

First sightings of Svalbard (South Cape)

Bedroom view

The summer heat at home was killing me! This is much better :)

Before leaving Svalbard last time, I can remember telling myself that it wasn't goodbye and that I would be back soon. I wasn't trying to find a way to re-create what had already been an amazing experience, but instead put my life on hold for one year (while I finished my degree) and would resume my Svalbard life later. And that's how it really feels. It's as if I had never left the island.

Anyways, at the weekend it started snowing, and there was a good couple of centimetres of snow on the ground and mountains. A few days on and most of it has melted away, but it was quite surprising to get so much snow so early in the season.

I am once again living in student halls with my fellow class-mates. So far everyone seems nice. 90% of my class is Nowegian, and the others speak Norwegian so I seem to truly be the only foreign student but oh well. I'm trying to learn some of the language, but most of our activities and class work are in English anyway.

Although we are strictly speaking not UNIS students, we still took the UNIS safety course which was lots of fun. Once again, back at the rifle range and lots of theoretical and practical knowledge about the harsh Arctic climate, first aid, emergency camps etc. As ANG students, we will be getting a lots more practice in these fields over the coming months.

Back at the rifle range ^^

Next week I will be heading out onto the Nordenskjoldbreen for 10 days of glacier training and crevasse rescue. All very exciting. And then we'll be learning about how to handle zodiac boats at sea and operate them by ourselves for a few days. So yeah right now not much to say as I settle back into Arctic life, but photos and stories from my upcoming trip will come ! :)


Wednesday, 11 August 2010

1 day to go !

This time tomorrow I will be on a flight to Oslo, the first leg of my journey. Then on Friday morning I'll be flying out to Svalbard.

Right now I'm slightly anxious when I look at the size of my bag. I have already shipped 3 X 25kg boxes to Svalbard (don't ask). Although it's still the middle of summer, I will probably be wearing many layers at the airport and then take them off as soon as I pass the security checks.

Right well that's all I can write today, as I have many things to get sorted :(


Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Just over a week now ...

Here I am typing my latest blog entry from a hot, sweaty and crammed London tube on my way back home from work. I leave in just over a week - but haven't had much time to think about what the next year will be like.

I will voluntarily be trading the comfort of city life to once again live on one of the world's most far flung islands. Sometimes I wonder why I'm going back ... After all city life brings many perks. And having been back to civilisation for the past year, you somehow get used to it...

The last time I went to Svalbard was for only a set time (just over a year during my year abroad) whereas this time I have no idea how long it will be. Maybe I just won't enjoy the course and then I'll back in a month or two. Or perhaps I'll end up living there for a few years.

I can't specifically remember what keeps drawing me to the Arctic, but I can remember telling myself that I must come back. And right now there isn't much telling me to stay/come back to the city.

Anyways, I just wish my bags were packed. What a contrast I'm sure next week will be ...

