Monday, 20 October 2008
Yes, I do study sometimes ...
Every now and then I get people asking me what I'm actually doing on Svalbard ... it's true, all my facebook photos and blog posts relate to some crazy adventure in the snow ...

Well, I am currently studying two courses: Terrestrial Arctic Biology and Pollution in the Arctic. They are both really interesting, and because of our small numbers, lectures take place in a classroom and not a lecture theatre. The atmosphere is more relaxed than back home, and we take breaks all the time. It's funny because I have managed to remain awake in every single lecture ... whereas back in Edinburgh I struggle to pay attention. I dunno, it's just more personal. That said, a window takes up the entire right wall giving onto snowy mountains and it's easy to get distracted... This past week I have had an overdose of homework and have literally not stopped. Last night I was stuck in the computer lab until 1AM :(
Terrestrial Arctic Biology: lots of lab hours trying to identify I don't know what. The fieldwork back in August was by far the best bit. My coursework revolves around looking at goose poo under the microscope (just handed it in!).
Pollution in the Arctic: very interesting, but there is just too much information. I have no idea what I'll do for the exam. The course focuses on local as well as widespread pollution, different type of pollutants. There is maths and debating too.
Hmmmmm I'm not very good talking about work, but there you have the shortest overview. It's gonna be really hard going back to my home university - it seems so normal being treated as an individual and not a matriculation number.
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