Monday, 5 January 2009

new year, new adventures

Right now I am sitting in one of the airport hotels in Oslo and will be flying back to Longyearbyen tomorrow morning. I have had the most amazing holidays, but still can't wait to get back onto Svalbard.

Over the Christmas holidays I went skiing in France, and then over New Year went trekking in Scotland. So basically I have only seen snow and ice, and am now returning to an ice world. Somewhere warm would be nice for the summer :)

As soon as I land, I need to run to UNIS to take part in the safety course which is currently being organised (I've already missed a day). All students need to attend this course (6 days long), which I think involves first aid, avalanche safety, glacier stuff etc. All fun stuff! I'll keep your posted.

It's been great seeing the sun, but I don't really look forward to returning to the darkness (only 2 months left of it ^^).

Svalbard, here I come!


posted by Yann Rashid on 22:18


Anonymous said...

What about your boat trip. No pictures???

Anonymous said...

what boat trip? and i will soon be updating my blog promiss !
