Friday 28 November 2008

1 down, 1 to go ...

Urg I have such a bad headache, but figured I would update my blog now (I doubt I'll have the time next week)...

I've just had my first exam... It was terrestrial arctic biology and there was so much to learn. I think I did ok, but it was the longest exam I have ever had. We were allowed 5 hours, and I thought it would take me 2, when in fact it took me 4.5 hours. The next one is next friday and then I'll be coming back home shortly afterwards !

I don't really fancy coming back home right now though ... and I just can't believe how quickly the term has gone (and I've been here since July so it's been a long time). Some people might think time goes slowly and may not enjoy what they are doing, but I have enjoyed every minute up here. Even going to lectures in the morning was fun. Our class was so small that it was more like a family. Luckily I'm coming back in January, but I'm going to miss all those who aren't.

Outside has been horrible for the past few days ... not that I can see anything since it's always dark, but the wind has been blowing so much. And it's not just any wind, but the most vicious one ever, that tries ripping you up and bites into whatever skin you have exposed. It's not so much the cold that is a problem, but the pain the wind can cause.


posted by Yann Rashid on 18:14

