Thursday 2 April 2009


I really havn't been up to much lately, in terms of excursions. I have had so much homework for this week, and had to stay indoors today even though it was the best weather outside :(

It was freeeezing today. So cold, like -28C I think, and I was still in my jeans and trainers :S (with a thermal under lol).

So anyway, I have a few days off coming up and so I'm planning a 1 week ski trip to the East Coast. Last time I was there (in 2006) I didn't see anything and was caught in a blizzard. This time round I hope there will be better visibility. I am slightly worried about meeting a hungry polar bear :S ... we have all the kit we need, but still we will be completely by ourselves... so right now I'm frantically trying to pack/get organised while trying to write my term essay due this Friday (we leave Saturday morning).

Hopefully I'll have lots of stories to share when I get back.


posted by Yann Rashid on 00:36

