Monday 20 April 2009

a visitor :)

You may not realise, but this message was actually written on the 19th May, but I have decided to file it in my April posts :p - I started uploading the pictures ages ago, but never published them :S

Well, from the 12th to the 19th April, my mum came over to visit me. This is the first time ever that I have a visitor lol. I really wanted to make her trip worthwhile, so we went out and about every single day. We went to the ice cave, skiing three times lol, to Tempelfjorden, to Bjørndalen, the radio station, and I even brought her to one of my lectures ^^.

Well, we had a great week, and were blessed by constant sunshine. Seriously, we have *never* had such good weather for such a long time. And the temperature remained nice and low. At the end, it was quite difficult saying goodbye - after all this is the longest stretch of time I havn't been back to the UK (last semester I went back a few times). We went to the supermarket at the end of the week, and I was treated to not worrying about the bill for once.

On the last night I took my mum to Bjørndalen to say happy birthday to Margrete who was having a BBQ there. That was one of the most perfect moments (I think it must rival when I saw the sun for the first time) ... the sun was setting, the light was amazing, no wind, eating a hot dog, listening to an Arctic fox bark and ... looking over Isfjorden and watching the sea ice break up. Photos don't do any justice.

Tempelfjorden take 2


On sea ice with my mum, with Tunabreen glacier in background

Helvetiafjellet in background

Skiing up Larsbreen

Scootering in Fulmardalen (the black blob at the bottom is my scooter)

Inside the Longyearbeen ice cave

View of Longyearbyen from Hiothhamn radio station

Bjørndalen in April

I wish some moments could last forever ... me watching the sea ice break up on Isfjorden

I never want to leave this place ...


posted by Yann Rashid on 23:05

