Wednesday 25 February 2009

sunshine and coldness

Ever since the weather got better, I have been out every single day :) . It's soooo cold right now, I think my skin will soon be peeling off my nose :(

On Monday we scootered up to Boltodalen, and visited the coolest ice cave

Scott Turnerbreen glacier, Boltodalen

inside the cave

And then yesterday (Tuesday) we scootered across the fjord between lectures to the radio station on Hiorthfjellet, to catch another glipse of the sun. Unfortunately there was a thin layer of hazy clouds and so we didn't actually see it.

And so today we returned to the same spot, except this time saw the sun and also climbed up to the ridge, to get a view of the other side.

yay sunshine

Cool ridge

dum dee dum ...

In other news, we had a blackout last night in entire Longyearbyen. Nothing worked at all, not even the water supply. It was pitch black everywhere down even in town. What's more the internet had stopped working earlier on in the day, and one of the major mobile phone networks was down on the island too.


posted by Yann Rashid on 18:24

